Welding certification according to EN 1090

Certifications for steel and aluminum structures


As of summer 2014, the requirements for the manufacture of structures and structural steelwork specified in this standard will be mandatory for all manufacturers of steel and aluminum structures. This standard was originally intended to be introduced until 2012, but was postponed for a transitional period.

In addition, parts of the standard ISO 3834, EN 287 Welding tests and the availability of a welding supervisor as well as welding processes and corresponding welding power sources must be provided in addition, if you have not yet obtained them. In addition, several components must comply with an ISO 9001 and EN 3834 certification

We accompany you during the implementation of the EN 1090 certification

  1. The best price for the complete processing of your Exec 2 process, which is the standard case with EN 1090, unless stated otherwise.
  2. Design the process so that it can be introduced concomitantly in your process.
  3. Employees who process the entire process, they go about their usual work.
  4. We offer existing welding processes for machines of different types.
  5. We have ready processes for MAG processes, currently only available from us. You do not have to reinvent the wheel.
  6. The best offer for the EN 287 examinations and the accompaniment to obtain the certificates.
  7. Offer to standardize the ISO 9001, ISO 140001, ISO 1090, EN 287 and OHSAS certification
  8. Accompaniment to certification, and subsequent certifications

If a company supplies to the construction industry without a valid EN 1090, the building authority can have the component removed.
"Austrian Society for Welding Technology"

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Änderung der Zertifizierung

Änderung der Zertifizierung

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